Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I was reading the current issue of SPIN Magazine and in it was an interview with Jena Malone. She was speaking of a website called: http://freerice.com/index.php

It' s a site where you can not only test your vocabulary but increase it along the way.. And with each word you answer correctly you earn 20 grains of rice to feed the hungry.
Talk about highly addictive, especially for those who are into vocabulary.. ahem Megan.. lol, actually I think you would LOVE this site.

So go ahead, check it out... enjoy and know you are feeding the hungry and helping yourself along the way.


The Gardner's said...

Dude, this is addicting. There is some free rice coming from me, thats for sure!
Great site!

Unknown said...

Ahah I am glad and KNEW you would love it. haha. RICE on!!!! hahahah get it? hahaha

bluesky said...

Another great site that helps children in need is AIDtoCHILDREN.com

AIDtoCHILDREN.com is a dual-purpose site for building an English vocabulary and raising money for under privileged children in the most impoverished places around the world.

Check it out at http://www.AIDtoCHILDREN.com

Unknown said...

cool. I will most definitely check that site out. Thanks.