Thursday, January 05, 2012


Ahh, So it is nearly the end of the first week of the 2012!

I must say, so far so good.

This exact day last year marks the anniversary of my move to California. It's strange to reflect and think about how much has changed and will constantly change from day to day.

The first part of last year was a rude awakening to what plans I had for myself. Only because my plans were not in the hands of myself, but others. Now that I am in full control of what I can do. I will do the best to REALLY jump in and do everything I can to make this year not seem so scary.

I am still uncertain where my employment lies. My temp contract has been extended. I am hoping it goes to a permanent placement very soon. In the meantime, I still take it all in as much as I possibly can and remind myself. I could be worse off.
Things are tough, but I am hanging in there.

I will endeavor on my first girls night out here in CA and it only took a year, LOL.
I am starting to meet others at work. I would say this is a positive start.

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